SO, the album "Sun Shines Warm" is OUT!
It is available at: Amazon, iTunes, & Spotify. Search: LincWayne (no spaces) It's also available dozens of other places; just try the same search...(?!?!) It's verrry nice to have it done...but, now what? Well, besides getting some CD's done (for those of us that still use them), I am trying to muster up enough time / equipment / knowledge to be able to post up some videos of what I am working on now. I have a few covers that I have "adapted" to the slide GTR. Bob Dylan, Lois Armstrong, & Blind Willie Johnson to name, well, three artists I enjoy. Anyhows, life can be hard. Don't make it eternally harder (as i often do...). Seek the Lord Jesus; He is not judging you ... He was butchered to set you free ... oh, how He loves you (& me...) Blessings to you all....