SO, the album "Sun Shines Warm" is OUT!
It is available at: Amazon, iTunes, & Spotify. Search: LincWayne (no spaces) It's also available dozens of other places; just try the same search...(?!?!) It's verrry nice to have it done...but, now what? Well, besides getting some CD's done (for those of us that still use them), I am trying to muster up enough time / equipment / knowledge to be able to post up some videos of what I am working on now. I have a few covers that I have "adapted" to the slide GTR. Bob Dylan, Lois Armstrong, & Blind Willie Johnson to name, well, three artists I enjoy. Anyhows, life can be hard. Don't make it eternally harder (as i often do...). Seek the Lord Jesus; He is not judging you ... He was butchered to set you free ... oh, how He loves you (& me...) Blessings to you all....
AS YOU PROBABLY noticed when you hit the site, "Burdens" is finally out. The video should be next - then the album; "Sun Shines Warm". (Blah, Blah; Blaaaah...))
The technique on "Burdens" (for those who might be curious!), employs three [3] slides at a time. It's a long story - which is one reason to shoot the video! Anyhows - I hope this song helps y'all to just drop your burdens. Like, now. Jesus paid that price - so we can run to the Father anytime; no matter where we've been/what we've done... Blessings!!! -Linc John 8:3-11 Hebrews 4:15-16 OK - I am DONE RECORDING!!!!
What's that? Nothing to listen to on the site yet? Yeaahh . . . WELL . . .I am done recording, and now the last 7 er so tunes are at a secret location in the western hemisphere, where they are being secretly mixed-up! It's kinda nice to, uh, sleep haha. So, as they are getting finished, I will be attempting to post some samples/tunes, & eventually, an album! Maybe I'll even have a TITLE for it by then... Oh yeah - Just played a lil' gig in Palo Alto; "Tellebration", which is: "An international night of storytelling held each November on the Saturday before Thanksgiving(in USA)!" It was fun! Thanks Steve, & Ruth - it was fun improving w/ you & Grandma! Blessings to you/your house/your efforts - Linc Ok - three songs have been mixed ! (at a secret location above the Southern Hemisphere)
Done! YAY!! Press the LARD! 'Bout seven to go. Three are done here . . . The rest need solos/bass lines, etc. I'm gonna try to get some done tonight... I think . . .(yAWn . . .) If you're readin', I guess the web is still spread, er - workin'! It's getting really interesting tho. "Goin' by the Book", as Johnny Cash said. No harm in preparing . . . (Proverbs 6:6-11, 1 Peter 4:7) Better a year early than 1 minute late... May God bless you & yours Ahh yes, late-night editing again. I think I just figured out why it's called "editing". . . It's because it sounds better than "I'm spending large portions of my life trying to find a take that doesn't suck" haha . . .
But, God is still good, in spite of me . . . About three (3) [III] songs are done - minor mixing/remastering to do. A handful more that are half way there, and at least one or two Lap-Slide/Dobro-Style tunes to track. Well . . . back to finding a take . . . I can't strum no more!! God bless anybody readin' this . . . take time to pray, while ya can. This world is on it's way out. This is the first blog post. Wow...What should I say? . . . or, type . . .?
I can say that about eight songs are in the works now, at varying stages. It's pretty cool, playing some acoustic guitar for the first time in literally decades! Thanks to all of you who have asked about/prayed for/encouraged me to get some recording done - God willing, it's on the way... Alright, time to work up a little slide solo...and I mean little, after listening to the likes of Derek Trucks haha! Jesus is Lord! -Linc |